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Legend (gam_connected_places)

Conservation reserve - emerging (2)
Reserves where land acquisition or transfer and/or associated infrastructure delivery is incomplete Reserves where land acquisition or transfer and/or associated infrastructure delivery is incomplete
Conservation reserve - proposed (3)
Future reserves where land and infrastructure delivery has not yet commenced Future reserves where land and infrastructure delivery has not yet commenced
Regional park - emerging (5)
Parks where land acquisition or transfer and/or associated infrastructure delivery is incomplete Parks where land acquisition or transfer and/or associated infrastructure delivery is incomplete
Regional park - proposed (6)
Future parks where land and infrastructure delivery has not yet commenced Future parks where land and infrastructure delivery has not yet commenced
Metro and Major Activity Centres (7)
Metro Activity Centre Metro Activity Centre
Major Activity Centre Major Activity Centre
Neighbourhood Activity Centres (8)
Neighbourhood Activity Centre Neighbourhood Activity Centre
Metropolitan Melbourne AVPCC Land Uses (75)
<Null> <Null>
Commercial Commercial
Community services Community services
Extractive industries Extractive industries
Industrial Industrial
Infrastructure and utilities (industrial) Infrastructure and utilities (industrial)
National parks, conservation areas, forest reserves and natural water reserves National parks, conservation areas, forest reserves and natural water reserves
Primary production Primary production
Residential Residential
Sport, Heritage and Culture Sport, Heritage and Culture
MICLUP Industrial Land (146)
State-significant industrial precinct - existing State-significant industrial precinct - existing
State-significant industrial precinct - future State-significant industrial precinct - future
Regionally-significant industrial precinct - existing Regionally-significant industrial precinct - existing
Regionally-significant industrial precinct - future Regionally-significant industrial precinct - future
Local industrial precinct - existing Local industrial precinct - existing
Local industrial precinct - future Local industrial precinct - future
Landscape values within growth corridor (147)
Landscape values within growth corridor Landscape values within growth corridor
Growth Areas (148)
Conservation Areas in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy (149)
Parks and Conservation Reserves (150)
World Heritage Environs Area (152)
Heritage Register Object (153)
Heritage Register (154)
Heritage Inventory (155)
Extractive Industry Work Authorities - Current (157)
Extractive Industry Work Authorities - Application (158)
Extractive Industry Interest Area (EIIAs) (159)
Future Homes Eligible Lots (160)
Metro Partnership Boundaries (161)
Eastern Eastern
Inner Inner
Inner South East Inner South East
Northern Northern
Southern Southern
Western Western
Areas of Aboriginal cultural heritage sensitivity (162)
Ramsar wetlands (163)
Ramsar wetlands Ramsar wetlands
Nature Print Biodiversity Values (164)
100 - 1 100 - 1