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Legend (sera)

Proposed State Resource Overlay 1 (SRO1) (1)
Proposed State Resource Overlay 1 (SRO1) Proposed State Resource Overlay 1 (SRO1)
Proposed State Resource Overlay 2 (SRO2) (2)
Proposed State Resource Overlay 2 (SRO2) Proposed State Resource Overlay 2 (SRO2)
Proposed State Resource Overlay 3 (SRO3) (3)
Proposed State Resource Overlay 3 (SRO3) Proposed State Resource Overlay 3 (SRO3)
Existing SUZ in SERA (5)
Existing SUZ in SERA Existing SUZ in SERA
Proposed Rezoning to SUZ (6)
Proposed Rezoning to SUZ Proposed Rezoning to SUZ
EVC Groups (8)
1.1,Coastal Scrubs Grasslands and Woodlands, 1.1,Coastal Scrubs Grasslands and Woodlands,
2.1,Heathy Woodlands,Dry and/or better drained 2.1,Heathy Woodlands,Dry and/or better drained
2.2,Heathy Woodlands,Damp and/or less well-drained 2.2,Heathy Woodlands,Damp and/or less well-drained
3.1,Lowland Forests, 3.1,Lowland Forests,
4.1,Box Ironbark Forests or dry/lower fertility Woodlands, 4.1,Box Ironbark Forests or dry/lower fertility Woodlands,
5.1,Lower Slopes or Hills Woodlands,Seasonally inundated and/or shrubby 5.1,Lower Slopes or Hills Woodlands,Seasonally inundated and/or shrubby
5.2,Lower Slopes or Hills Woodlands,Grassy 5.2,Lower Slopes or Hills Woodlands,Grassy
5.3,Lower Slopes or Hills Woodlands,Herb-rich 5.3,Lower Slopes or Hills Woodlands,Herb-rich
6.1,Dry Forests,Exposed and/or lower altitude 6.1,Dry Forests,Exposed and/or lower altitude
6.2,Dry Forests,Sheltered and/or higher altitude 6.2,Dry Forests,Sheltered and/or higher altitude
7.1,Wet or Damp Forests,Wet 7.1,Wet or Damp Forests,Wet
7.2,Wet or Damp Forests,Damp 7.2,Wet or Damp Forests,Damp
8.1,Riparian Scrubs or Swampy Scrubs and Woodlands, 8.1,Riparian Scrubs or Swampy Scrubs and Woodlands,
8.2,Riparian Scrubs or Swampy Scrubs and Woodlands, 8.2,Riparian Scrubs or Swampy Scrubs and Woodlands,
9.1,Rainforests, 9.1,Rainforests,
10.1,Montane Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Shrublands or Grasslands 10.1,Montane Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Shrublands or Grasslands
10.2,Montane Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Woodlands 10.2,Montane Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Woodlands
11.1,Sub-alpine Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Shrublands or Grasslands 11.1,Sub-alpine Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Shrublands or Grasslands
11.2,Sub-alpine Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Woodlands 11.2,Sub-alpine Grasslands, Shrublands or Woodlands,Woodlands
12.1,Plains Grasslands and Chenopod Shrublands,Clay soils 12.1,Plains Grasslands and Chenopod Shrublands,Clay soils
13.1,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Freely-draining 13.1,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Freely-draining
13.2,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Poorly-draining 13.2,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Poorly-draining
13.3,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Lunettes or beach ridges or shallow sands 13.3,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Lunettes or beach ridges or shallow sands
13.4,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Semi-arid(non-Eucalypt) 13.4,Plains Woodlands or Forests,Semi-arid(non-Eucalypt)
14.1,Riverine Grassy Woodlands or Forests,Broader plain 14.1,Riverine Grassy Woodlands or Forests,Broader plain
14.2,Riverine Grassy Woodlands or Forests,Creekline and/or swampy 14.2,Riverine Grassy Woodlands or Forests,Creekline and/or swampy
15.1,Herb-rich Woodlands,Alluvial terraces and/or creeklines 15.1,Herb-rich Woodlands,Alluvial terraces and/or creeklines
15.2,Herb-rich Woodlands,Damp Sands 15.2,Herb-rich Woodlands,Damp Sands
16.1,Heathlands,Sandy and/or well drained 16.1,Heathlands,Sandy and/or well drained
16.2,Heathlands,Not well drained 16.2,Heathlands,Not well drained
16.3,Heathlands,Sub-alpine 16.3,Heathlands,Sub-alpine
17.1,Mallee,Siliceous sands 17.1,Mallee,Siliceous sands
17.2,Mallee,Calcareous dunefields 17.2,Mallee,Calcareous dunefields
17.3,Mallee,Clay plains 17.3,Mallee,Clay plains
17.4,Mallee,Sandstone ridges and rises 17.4,Mallee,Sandstone ridges and rises
18.1,Wetlands,Freshwater 18.1,Wetlands,Freshwater
18.2,Wetlands,Brackish/estuarine 18.2,Wetlands,Brackish/estuarine
19.1,Salt-tolerant and/or succulent Shrublands,Coastal 19.1,Salt-tolerant and/or succulent Shrublands,Coastal
19.2,Salt-tolerant and/or succulent Shrublands, Inland 19.2,Salt-tolerant and/or succulent Shrublands, Inland
20.1,Rocky Outcrop or Escarpment Scrubs, 20.1,Rocky Outcrop or Escarpment Scrubs,
99.1,No native vegetation recorded, 99.1,No native vegetation recorded,
Other Unknown Other Unknown
Bioregional Conservation Status (9)
Endangered Endangered
Vulnerable Vulnerable
Depleted Depleted
Least Concern Least Concern
Rare Rare
Not Applicable or unknown Not Applicable or unknown
Parks and Reserves (10)
Native Vegetation Regulation Extent (2017) (12)
Artificial impoundment Artificial impoundment
Exotic largely treeless Exotic largely treeless
Exotic tree cover Exotic tree cover
Native vegetation cover* Native vegetation cover*
Natural waterbodies ** Natural waterbodies **
Plantations, exotic and other Plantations, exotic and other
Native Vegetation Regulation Condition (2017) (13)
0.00 - 0.20 0.00 - 0.20
0.21 - 0.40 0.21 - 0.40
0.41 - 0.60 0.41 - 0.60
0.61 - 0.80 0.61 - 0.80
0.81 - 1.00 0.81 - 1.00
Local Government Area (14)
Local Government Area Local Government Area
Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Sensitivity (15)
Extractive Work Authorities - Current (16)
Extractive Work Authorities - Current Extractive Work Authorities - Current