Priority Precinct (0)
Principal Transport Gateway - Airport (2)
| Principal Transport gateway - airport |
Principal Transport Gateway - Seaport (3)
| Principal Transport gateway - seaport |
Indicative Possible Future Gateway (4)
| Principal Transport gateway - possible airport |
| Principal Transport gateway - possible seaport |
| Interstate freight terminal (planned/potential) |
Central City, Existing (6)
| Central City, Existing |
Metropolitan Activity Centre, Existing (7)
| Metropolitan Activity Centre, Existing |
Metropolitan Activity Centre, Future (8)
| Metropolitan Activity Centre, Future |
Transport Node Devlopment Area (9)
| Major Activity Centre |
Major Activity Centre, Future (10)
| Major Activity Centre, Future |
Passenger Rail Network (11)
| Rail network |
Suburban Rail Loop Stage 1 (13)
| Suburban Rail Loop |
Suburban Rail Loop - Concept Route (14)
| SRL North (Box Hill to Melbourne Airport) |
| SRL West (Melbourne Airport to Werribee) |
Precincts (15)
| Central City |
| Maturing Area |
| Potential |
| Renewal Area |
Waterbody (16)
Metropolitan Employment and Innovation District (17)
Urban Growth Boundary (18)
Green Wedge 2016 (19)