Color: [78, 78, 78, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 9 Font Family: VIC SemiBold Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Color: [78, 78, 78, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 9 Font Family: VIC SemiBold Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Color: [52, 52, 52, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: VIC SemiBold Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 12 Font Family: VIC SemiBold Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Color: [104, 104, 104, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 12 Font Family: VIC SemiBold Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: Meets requirements of PPN90 & 91 or developed post 2020, length: 8000
Color: [78, 78, 78, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 10 Font Family: VIC SemiBold Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none