{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Strategic Biodiversity Values (SBV) is one of NaturePrint's decision-support products. It combines information on important areas for threatened flora and fauna, levels of depletion, connectivity, vegetation types and condition to provide a view of relative biodiversity importance of all parts of the Victorian landscape. This integrated information is important because decision-makers need access to an objective, comprehensive and spatially explicit view of the importance of biodiversity assets to enable comparison of locations across Victoria.", "description": "

The biodiversity information used in the SBV v4 analysis included:<\/SPAN><\/P>

- species habitat distribution models<\/SPAN><\/P>

- models of uncertainty of the likelihood of modelled habitat (and, for fauna, habitat importance models) for VROTS<\/SPAN><\/P>

- models of vegetation types in Victoria<\/SPAN><\/P>

- a model of native vegetation condition.<\/SPAN><\/P>

The analysis first looked for locations with the least biodiversity value and then identified the location with the next lowest level of biodiversity value. This<\/SPAN><\/P>

process continued until there was a complete ranking of locations across the state. The biodiversity value that informed the ranking was based on the<\/SPAN><\/P>

modelled range and likelihood of species habitat or vegetation type in a location, compared to pre-settlement levels.<\/SPAN><\/P>

This iterative, bottom-up approach is used so that the analysis considers the connectedness and aggregation of habitat at the same time as the<\/SPAN><\/P>

representation of values.<\/SPAN><\/P>

This analysis results in the areas with little biodiversity value ranked lower, the most degraded and poorly located examples of the most common habitat or<\/SPAN><\/P>

vegetation in the middle of the ranking, and the best and most well-connected examples of VROT species' habitats across the state ranked higher. This<\/SPAN><\/P>

means that some locations with low condition vegetation can be more highly ranked because they provide links for habitats, or are the only remaining habitat<\/SPAN><\/P>

for certain species.<\/SPAN><\/P>

For some species, significant areas of likely habitat may not be occupied, either due to insufficient recovery time since a disturbance event or due to<\/SPAN><\/P>

catastrophic historic impact that is beyond normal recovery capability. These factors are not yet included in Habitat Importance Models nor in the current<\/SPAN><\/P>

SBV map.<\/SPAN><\/P>

<\/P><\/DIV><\/DIV>", "summary": "Strategic Biodiversity Values (SBV) is one of NaturePrint's decision-support products. It combines information on important areas for threatened flora and fauna, levels of depletion, connectivity, vegetation types and condition to provide a view of relative biodiversity importance of all parts of the Victorian landscape. This integrated information is important because decision-makers need access to an objective, comprehensive and spatially explicit view of the importance of biodiversity assets to enable comparison of locations across Victoria.", "title": "NaturePrint v4.0 Strategic Biodiversity Values", "tags": [ "Strategic Biodiversity Values (SBV)", "NaturePrint" ], "type": "", "typeKeywords": [], "thumbnail": "", "url": "", "minScale": 150000000, "maxScale": 5000, "spatialReference": "", "accessInformation": "https://datashare.maps.vic.gov.au/search?q=uuid%3Dc5c5b1b2-1ec2-5bbb-af6c-6e24d0ee7655\n\nhttps://metashare.maps.vic.gov.au/geonetwork/srv/api/records/c5c5b1b2-1ec2-5bbb-af6c-6e24d0ee7655/formatters/cip-pdf?root=export&output=pdf\n\n 20-04-2016\n\nPoint of contact resource Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning data.vsdl@delwp.vic.gov.au VSDL Data Manager VSDL Dataset Data Manager PO Box 500, East Melbourne, Vic, 3002, Australia", "licenseInfo": "", "portalUrl": "" }